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Centre For Chemical Biology | Universiti Sains Malaysia |

CCB-Microbial Biodiversity Library


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Since the isolation of the first strain in 2009, the microbial collection in CCB have grown. An initiative to characterise and catalogue the collection started in 2013, leading to the establishment of the CCB-Microbial Biodiversity Library (CCB-MBL). In February 2018, the catalogue was made available online on our website.
Our collections are also indexed and made searchable by the Global Catalogue of Microorganisms (

Isolates are obtained from various sources, with emphasis on aquatic and coastal ecosystems. These isolates are usually part of research projects on secondary metabolite characterisation, genomics, and chemical biology.

The core aims of CCB-MBL are:
  • To house microorganisms from diverse Malaysia niches, especially from mangrove and marine environments.
  • To study isolates with potential application in chemical biology.
  • To share the collection with researchers, educators, and relevant industries.
Bacillus sp. (B. vietnamensis-like)
Bacillus sp. (B. cereus-like)
Bacillus  sp. (B. haikouensis-like)
Bacillus sp. (B. altitudinis-like)
Bacillus sp. (B. megaterium -like)
Bacillus sp. (B. oryzaecorticis-like)
Bacillus sp. (B. siamensis-like)
Bacillus sp. (B. aquimaris-like)
Bacillus sp. (B. algicola-like)
Bacillus sp. (B. halosaccharovorans-like)
Bacillus sp. (B. hwajinpoensis-like)
Bacillus sp. (B. infantis-like)
Bacillus sp. (B. pacificus-like)
Bacillus sp. (B. tequilensis-like)
Bacillus sp. (B. aryabhattai-like)
Bacillus sp. (B. xiamenensis-like)
Erythrobacter sp. (E. vulgaris-like)
Exiguobacterium sp. (E. profundum-like)
Exiguobacterium sp. (E. aestuarii-like)
Hahella sp. (H. chejuensis-like)
Hahella sp. (H. ganghwensis-like)
Halobacillus sp. (H. mangrovi-like)
Holobacillus sp. (H. litoralis-like)
Kocuria sp. (K. marina-like)
Kocuria sp. (K. palustris-like)
Lysinibacillus sp. (L. xylanilyticus-like)
Lysinibacillus  sp. CCB-CE402 
Lysinibacillus  sp. CCB-CE409
Mangrovimonas sp. (M. sp-like)
Marinobacter sp. (M. mobilis-like)
Microbacterium sp. (M. species-like)
Microbacterium sp. (M. thalassium-like)
Microbacterium sp. (M. esteraromaticum-like)
Microbulbifer sp. (M. hydrolyticus-like)
Microbulbifer sp. (M. marinus-like)
Microbulbifer sp. (M. maritimus-like)
Microbulbifer sp. (M. variabilis-like)
Micromonospora sp. (M. carbonacea-like)
Nocardiopsis sp. (N. alba-like)
Pararhodobacter sp. (P. aggregans-like)
Paenibacillus sp. (P. lautus-like)
Photobacterium sp. (P. gaetbulicola-like)
Photobacterium sp. (P. halotolerans-like)
Serratia sp. (S. marcescens-like)
Streptomyces sp. (S. albidoflavus-like)
Streptomyces sp. (S. angustmycinicus-like)
Streptomyces sp. (S. carpaticus-like)
Streptomyces sp. (S. diastaticus-like)
Streptomyces sp. (S. fradiae-like)
Streptomyces sp. (S. hyderabadensis-like)
Streptomyces sp. (S. neopeptinius-like)
Streptomyces sp. (S. nocardiopsisprasina-like)
Streptomyces sp. (S. pactum-like)
Streptomyces sp. (S. parvulus-like)
Streptomyces sp. (S. pseudogriseolus-like)
Streptomyces sp. (S. qinglanensis-like)
Streptomyces sp. (S. sanyensis-like)
Streptomyces sp. (S. sundarbansensis-like)
Streptomyces sp. (S. tanashiensis-like)
Streptomyces sp. (S. tendae-like)
Streptomyces sp. (S. violascens-like)
Streptomyces sp. (S. viridobrunneus-like)
Streptomyces sp. (S. wuyuanensis-like)
Streptomyces sp. (S. xiamenensis-liike)
Tenacibaculum sp. (T. ascidiaceicola-like)
Tenacibaculum sp. (T. discolor-like)
Tenacibaculum sp. (T. litoreum-like)
Vibrio sp. (V. azureus-like)
Vibrio sp. (V. alginolyticus-like)
Vibrio sp. (V. neocaledonicus-like)
Virgibacillus sp. (V. halodenitrificans-like)
Yangia sp.
Zhouia sp. (Z. amylylotica-like)

Obtaining An Isolate

The Easiest Way Is To Directly Purchase From Us. You Can Request A Quotation From;

1. Ms. Norazura Binti Azami (

2. Dr. Go Furusawa (

Besides courier charges, the price per isolate depends on the method used to identify a particular isolate.

Upon completion of documentation and payment, the freeze-dried isolate will be sent using a glass ampoule.



Other services

  • Microbial identification via 16S rRNA gene and Biolog
  • Training on isolation, identification and storage of environmental microbes


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