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Centre For Chemical Biology | Universiti Sains Malaysia |

About Us

Message From Director

Welcome to our website!
Since its inception, CCB (Centre for Chemical Biology) has been actively researching the secrets of life at the cellular and molecular levels. Often, the experiments will require the smart use of advanced tools and probes.  The theme researching molecules to appreciate life’ is the unifying motto for all CCB researchers.  
We are ready to listen to young researchers  seeking to work with our Principal Investigators and laboratories.  In tandem, we are keen to establish fruitful collaborations with established scientists in the field of genomics and chemical biology.  
Do visit pages highlighting publications, personnel and programs within our Centre.  Read about our pursuits to decode the genomes of  various organisms.   Find out why the biodiversity of Malaysia holds wonderful and fascinating secrets.  Be amazed at how a single molecule can cause a significant change in the appearance and activity of a whole organism.  
We also offer research-services, providing tools, platforms and expertise that may accelerate your research.  
We hope this visit will serve at your first step in developing a meaningful partnership with us! 

Using Chemical Biology to Promote Transdisciplinary Research

Chemical Biology is the use of chemistry to promote biological knowledge. More specifically, CCB is interested in discovering and utilizing powerful molecules to gain a better understanding on selected biological pathways. The Centre for Chemical Biology at the Universiti Sains Malaysia (CCB USM) is a world-class, cutting-edge research centre that is borderless, colourless, and genderless. Conceptualized at the beginning of 2008 and officially endorsed by the Ministry of Higher Education on 3 February 2009, the challenge for CCB USM is to create a vibrant research environment with state-of-the-art facilities and more importantly, driven exciting research questions.


Our Mission: Driving Inspirations into Reality

We aspire to be the place for:-

  1. Inoculation the Transdisciplinary Research mentality
  2. Nurturing of the next generation young researchers
  3. Excellence in administration and governance
  4. Smart partnership in collaboration, consultation and service

Where Are We Located

Renovations of CCB USM¹s new home began in November 2008 and were fast-tracked for completion within 3 months. By February 2009, CCB USM became one of the first occupants at the Science and Arts Innovation Space (SAINS@USM).


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