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Centre For Chemical Biology | Universiti Sains Malaysia |

Next-Generation Sequencing

What Is It About? 

Next Generation Sequencing-Based (NGS)

The advance of sequencing technology has revolutionized the discovery in biological sciences. Next generation sequencing-based (NGS) technology allows the rapid output of high volume of data with high sensitivity and high specificity. NGS sequencing can be used for a broad range of applications including whole genome studies, metagenomics surveys on microbiomes in the environment and transcriptome profiling.

CCB has now extended our DNA sequencing service to NGS services as well. Currently CCB is offering complete NGS sequencing solutions, from library preparation to advanced bioinformatics analysis, for whole-genome sequencing, metagenomics sequencing (whole-genome and amplicon-based) and RNA sequencing.

NGS Service
CCB would like to inspire a great success for NGS projects to all researchers out there! Hence, grab the chance to experience our Free great consultation on your samples, experimental design, sample preparation and sequencing advices from our expertise!
As the Malaysia’s leading research in genomic and chemical biology, you may find what you need from the best. We wish to provide you the best advices for your future successful project! Kindly fill in the enquiry form for us the options we may offer you! Get in touch with our services team at for further inquiries.
How End-to-end Solution NGS Works
NGS service  
Packages for NGS 


We are now offering 6 packages which may suit your research needs;

NGS package 1


CCB would offer you three types of NGS services;


Features of NGS Runs Available in CCB

Features of NGS Runs Available in CCB



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Talk to us to decide on the best option to run your sample!
Turnaround time for NGS

 calendar 1

The end-to-end solution for all NGS packages will take us 10-12 weeks for up to 12 samples.


1) Sample Submission Form

2) Enquiry Form

Who Do I Speak To?
Centre For Chemical Biology (CCB@USM),
1st Floor. Block B,
No.10, Persiaran Bukit Jambul, 
11900 Bayan Lepas,Penang
Tel: +604-6535509 /(Dr. Lau Nyok Sean) 
Fax: +604-6535514 
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