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Centre For Chemical Biology | Universiti Sains Malaysia |

Synergy Talk 2021 by Soh Li Shen, MSc. Student (Molecular Biology)

Synergy Talk @ CCB is a programme for graduates to present their research studies as part of the Centre for Chemical Biology (CCB)’s graduate requirements.

SOH LI SHEN is a full-time research graduate as well as a full-time Master of Science candidate in Molecular Biology. She conducted the research entitled “Multiple Mechanisms of Insecticide Resistance in the Tropical Bed bug, Cimex hemipterus (F.) (Hemiptera: Cimicidae)”.  The research is under the supervision of Dr. Veera Singham K. Genasan, who is also the Senior Lecturer at CCB, and an expert in the field of entomology, pest management and genetic & molecular biology.

2021 SynergyTalk03 SLS fB

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